Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 5

Thank you to those of you who attended graduation last night!

For those of you were unable to attend, your Finisher T-Shirts will be available for pick-up
Please stop by the front desk of the NEA Baptist Clinic Wellness Center to pick-up yours today!
The deadline to pick up your shirt is Friday, December 14.

Though we will no longer be updating the blog, it will still be available for you to view. Please bookmark it and feel free to look back at it at any time. You have fifteen weeks worth of workouts, meal plans, and motivational quotes and articles at your fingertips!

Thank you for participating and please feel free to e-mail Sarabeth or I with any questions or comments that you may have.

And although the actual “challenge” is over, I still challenge you to keep up your 100 minutes of exercise a week and your daily acts of kindness!

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