Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, October 15

Week #8 Workout
Warm-Up, 5-10 Minutes on AMT, Red Zone
Reverse Cable Curls
- Straight bar from low cable. Elbows tucked in, hands facing down, bend elbows trying to lift bar to collar bone (all while keeping elbows tucked in) and lower back down to start position.
Individual Step-Ups
-From steps, white step in back, or boards in aerobics room. Place one foot on the step, leaving it planted there, step-up with your other knee and return to floor. Repeat. This can be your at home exercise of the week. Steps at home? Steps at work?
-Sit on a weight bench, chair, or set of steps. Place hands on bench with fingertips facing away from your body. Lower your bottom off of the bench, bending your elbows behind you and return to start position without allowing your bottom to touch the seat. This can also be an at home exercise!
Lay on floor, ball roll in/tuck
-Lay face up on the floor with a red ball under your heels. Place hands to your sides, lifting your hips off of the floor and maintaining your balance, roll the ball in as close to your bottom as you can get it and return back to the straight leg starting position without allowing your hips to return to the floor.

Lat Pulldown Machine
- This upper back machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Red Ball Crunches, Alternating
-Like in week five, sit on large red ball. Hold on and roll yourself out to where the ball is supporting your mid-low back. Lean back as far as you can on the ball and crunch upwards, this time twisting your elbow towards your opposite knee. Return to start position

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