Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30

Week #10 Workout
Warm-Up, 5-10 Minutes, Your Choice

Reverse Barbell Curls
--Feet Shoulder width apart, elbows tucked to sides. With hands facing down, lift bar above chest to collar bone and return to start position.
Alternating Lunges
-Hands on hips or holding weights to side. Take a large step forward, bending both knees to your 45’ or 90’ angle, all while keeping your shoulders above your hips. Push off, returning to start position, repeat alternating with your other leg.
Wall Push-Ups
-Stand with your feet together, facing the wall. Hands go directly in front of your shoulders and you should be standing on your tip toes. Touch your nose to the wall and return to start position. (the further away from the wall your feet are, the harder it is!) This is a good at home exercise!
Lay on floor, individual ball leg extensions
- Like last week, lay face up on the floor with a red ball under your heels. Place hands to your sides, lifting your hips off of the floor and maintaining your balance. One heel will remain on the ball while lifting the other leg straight up in the air-returning it to the ball and repeating. This week we are staying on the same leg for your ten reps before you switch to the other leg. Want to make it harder? Try all three sets on the same leg before you switch - all while hips remain off of the floor!
Standing Dumbbell Side Raises
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms straight to your sides with your hands facing you. Lift the dumbbells up parallel to the floor and return almost all the way back down to your sides, keeping the tension on your shoulders.
Decline Twists "Cherry Pickers
- On the decline bench from last week, again sitting with your feet under the green rollers. This time, hold a 5-10+ lb. dumbbell or weight in front of your chest. Do not go all the way back! Lean back as far as you can go and hold this position. With the weight you are holding in front of you, twist from side to side “rotating around your spine”. Do not swing. This works your abdominals, obliques, and back.

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