Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9

Week #7 Workout
Warm-Up, 5-10 Minutes on AMT, Orange Zone
Preacher Machine
-This machine is in the back, facing the mirror with the dumbbells on the women’s locker room side. Select weights, complete a bicep curl by lowering at the elbows and returning to start position.

Leg Press Machine (in back)

-Back right corner. The sled itself weighs approximately 45 lbs., so please be careful! Select weight. Sit with feet shoulder width apart on the sled. Push up, removing safety handles on both sides. Lower sled without allowing your bottom to roll up off the seat and return to start position.
Laying 2-DB Skull crushers
- Just like with the barbell skull crusher from week five, lay flat on bench. Place both feet on edge of bench to relieve pressure on low back. Straighten arms above your chest with your hands facing in this time. Upper arms remain in same position as you bend elbows back, bringing the dumbbells as far behind your head as you can get them. Return to start position.
Ball Squats, Pull toes Up!
-Just like in week five, place ball behind your low back on the wall. Making sure that your knees do not go above your toes, try to bend knees to a 90’ angle and return to start position. For members with bad knees, try a 45’ angle. As opposed to keeping your feet flat, this time pull your toes up as you stand up. This shifts your weight back to your hamstrings and glutes as well as working your quads!
Cable Row Machine
-This upper back machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Bicycle Crunches
-Lay flat on floor. Modified version is to keep heels on floor and lift knee to your opposite elbow. For advanced version, keep feet up off of the floor

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