Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, October 2

Week #6 Workout
Warm-Up, 5-10 Minutes on AMT, Green Zone

Wide Cable Curls
- Straight wide “w” bar from low cable. Elbows tucked in, bend elbows to lift bar to collar bone and lower back down to start position. The wide bar creates a different angle and uses different muscle fibers as opposed to the shorter, straighter bar that we used on week 2.

Alternating Step-Ups
-From steps, white step in back, or boards in aerobics room. Alternate step-ups. This can be your at home exercise of the week. Steps at home? Steps at work?

Standing 1-DB Skullcrusher
-Stand feet shoulder width apart and slightly staggered. Lift one dumbbell above your head with elbows remaining up and in. Lower db behind head and return to starting position.

BB Floor Touch , “Deadlift”
-Feet Shoulder width apart, knees locked. Make sure that you contract your abdominals to help support your back. Lower bar as far forward as you can. Return to start position standing tall.

Green Ball Crunches, alternating
- As with week two; sit in floor or on edge of weight bench. Lean forward and wedge small green ball behind your lower back. Lean back as far as you can on the ball and come half way up, this time bringining your elbow towards your opposite knee to complete the crunch.

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