Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, September 28

Tomorrow is the Share Hope Walk at Craighead Forest Park! Please make plans to attend and visit
for more information!

Need an Act of Kindness?!?!

Colin Hall will be hosting this bone marrow donor event today only! 
It's a quick and painless cheek swab that could save lives!!!
For more information, you can contact Colin at 1-501-231-5713

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Flt. Chest Press

Flt. chest Press Machine (in back)
This chest machine is on the back left side of the free weight room.
Select weights.
Lay down, placing feet on bars and hands on handles.
(hands can face in, straight on bar, in middle of bar, or the hardest is all the way to the edge!)
Straighten arms out and return to starting position, not letting the bars rest to the side and repeat!

Thursday, September 27

Go to set up your FREE food tracking account or if you have a smartphone you can download the FREE app.

Food tracking is one of the most important tools when trying to lose weight or eat healthy. Many people don’t realize how many calories are in the foods they are consuming. Not only will this tell you how many calories you are taking in but it will also tell you how many calories you need daily to reach your goal weight.

Check it out!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Barbell Skullcrusher

Lay flat on bench and place both feet on edge of bench to relieve pressure on lower back. Straighten arms above your chest....

...Upper arms remain in same position as you bend your elbows back bringing the bar as far behind your head as you can get it. Return to start position.

Yoga Class!

Tomorrow, join Jennifer Martinez for her "Intro to Yoga" class on your lunch hour! It's from 12-1 in the Center for Healthy Children classroom!

Wednesday, September 26

Meal Plan
Breakfast:1 c. oatmeal w/ 2 apricots, 4 oz 100% juice,
Lunch:1 Health Wise turkey chili entree
Snack: 2 plums
Dinner: 2 oz serving of rump roast with 1 c. mashed potatoes, 1 c. roasted carrots

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ball Squat

Today is "Use the Stairs Day!"
Using the stairs gets your heart rate up, gets your blood pumpin' and burns calories!
Another way to work those quads, is with the "Ball Squat" from yesterday's list of exercises!
Place ball behind your low back on the wall. Making sure that your knees do not go above your toes, try to bend knees to a 90’ angle and return to start position. For members with bad knees, only lower to a 45’ angle!

Tuesday, September 25

According to your "Challenge of the Century" official calendar, tomorrow was supposed to be the “Intro to Yoga” class from 12-1pm with Jennifer Martinez... BUT that class has been moved to Thursday at the same time from 12-1!

And did you know that September is national yoga awareness month? J  Here’s a website that they feature on the national awareness month calendar website.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ball Crunch

Sit on ball so it is supporting your mid-low back and lean back as far as you can...

...crunch upwards and return to start position.

Monday, September 24

Welcome to week #5!

Warm-Up, 5-10 Minutes on Elliptical, Backward

Bicep Curl Machine
- This chest machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Ball Squats
-Place ball behind your low back on the wall. Making sure that your knees do not go above your toes, try to bend knees to a 90’ angle and return to start position. For members with bad knees, try a 45’ angle.
Laying BB Skullcrusher
-Lay flat on bench. Place both feet on edge of bench to relieve pressure on low back. Straighten arms above your chest. Upper arms remain in same position as you bend elbows back, bringing the bar as far behind your head as you can get it. Return to start position.
Glute Kick Machine
- This gluteal machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Flt. chest Press Machine (in back)
-This chest machine is on the back left side. Lay down, placing feet on bars and hands on handles. Straighten arms out and return to starting position, not letting the bars rest to the side.

Red Ball Crunches, straight

-Sit on large red ball. Hold on and roll yourself out to where the ball is supporting your mid-low back. Lean back as far as you can on the ball and crunch upwards. Return to start position
Overhead Rope Pulldown (feet together)
-Feet together. Elbows up and in. Upper arm remains in same position as you fully extend at the elbow. Return to start position. This is a repeat exercise from last week, but by keeping your feet together, it turns it into more of an abdominal exercise. Try it!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Act of Kindness

I did not write this, but my next door neighbor did. Some of you may also be friends with her on facebook so this may all look familiar to you. If it wasn't posted on fb, I would not share it, but since she posted it I know she does not mind me sharing it with you. I am going to leave her identity anonymous. If you are a biker or a runner or a walker, you will know exactly how she felt and how this certain "act of kindness" helped her out.

"This morning I left my house on my bike. I had no route planned, just a goal in mind. Today was not about a hard workout or PT at all, it was about clearing my mind and finding answers. I felt I hadn't prepared myself properly when I got a short distance into my ride and started having leg cramps. I fought through them as long as I could and finally decided to stop. I pulled into the driveway of a church and got off my bike feeling defeated. I was trying to convince myself to get back on and keep riding, fight through the pain and accomplish my goal. A gentleman approached me and said "looked like you were having some leg cramps" to which I kinda laughed and said "yes sir, I was.". This man I didn't know then handed me a Gatorade. He had driven past me, saw and recognized there may be a need and he acted out of a kind heart. He drove into town, purchased a Gatorade and gave it to me! I of course offered him money for it to which he refused. This 
gentleman did not know me, anything about me or the struggles I was facing in that moment, but he was selfless and caring! He was exactly what I needed in that moment. God sent me this stranger to remind me of kindness. Kindness isn't about being deserved, kindness is "just because". Kindness is about giving. Random acts of kindness should be something we all strive to do more of. I WILL be paying it forward, today, in someway, to someone. I encourage you to do the same. To you sir, in the Brookland area, who was so generous and kind to me, I may never see you again or know your name but thank you. Your actions meant more to me than what you will ever know. Sir, my wish for you is that any struggle you may b facing, God helps lead you to your answer and you are given peace as you were for me today. God knows sometimes he almost literally has to slap me in the face to see him working for me and standing by me, but I got it today!! Kindness will no longer be forgotten by me and demanded when I'm not extending it to others."

September 20, 2012

Sample Meal Plan
Breakfast: 1 c. nonfat cottage cheese, 1 c. cantaloupe
Lunch: Tuna and green bean pasta salad
Snack:1 granola bar
Dinner: 1 Health Wise beef pot roast entrée (available at NEA Baptist Clinic Wellness Center)and 1 c. cooked vegetables

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wide Chest Press

To begin, select weights and place them up top.
Adjust seat to where handles are chest height.
Fully extend arms and then return back to start position!
This machine primarily works your chest but also works your triceps!

Wednesday, September 19

Tomorrow, personal trainer Kara Fowler will be leading a water aerobics class from 5-6am!

Can't swim? No worries! The pool is 4ft. on the ends and 5 ft. in the middle so stand where you can and keep close to the wall if necessary!

We will use kickboards, water (foam) dumbbells, and a noodle for a fun and medium-paced low-impact aerobics class!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today is...


Try to use the stairs whenever possible today!

Tuesday, September 18

Congrats to Amy Campbell and Wanda Hendrix!
I (Kara) met them Saturday at the Thumperthon 5K in Walnut Ridge. It was a fast and flat 5K and Amy and Wanda completed this in the nasty drizzle as part of their training for their first half-marathon (13.1 miles) that will be on Saturday, September 29th!
The Ridge Rider Athletic Club, RRAC, will host another 5K this Saturday beginning and ending at CityYouth. The "Downtown J-Town" 5K and Amy and Wanda will have their half-marathon the following weekend. Good luck to them both!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Overhead Rope Pulldown

Start with your feet staggered for balance, elbows up and in...

...upper arm remains in same position as you fully extend at the elbow. Return to start position.

Acts of Kindness...

Act of kindness:

Thanks to "Steve" for sharing!

"I have made an effort to be friendlier (not that I was ever rude) to my waiters and waitresses. I’ve noticed I get better service and I have been leaving better tips. Win-Win."

Monday, September 17

M, 9/17-
Week #4 Workout
Warm-Up, 5-10 Minutes on Elliptical, Forward
DB Bicep Curls
- Feet Shoulder width apart, elbows tucked to sides. Lift dumbbells above chest to collar bone and return to start position.
Leg Press Machine (up front)
- This quadriceps machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Overhead Rope Pulldown
-Feet staggered for balance. Elbows up and in. Upper arm remains in same position as you fully extend at the elbow. Return to start position.

Abductor Machine

- This glute/outer thigh machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Adductor Machine
- This inner thigh machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Wide Chest Press Machine (in back)
-On left wall. To begin this chest and triceps machine, straighten arms all the way out and then bend elbows back to start position.
#19 aBench
- This abdominal machine is up front next to the AMT’s and stretch center. Once head is positioned on the rest, lift upward to crunch and return to start position.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Barbell Curl

 Start with feet shoulder width apart and elbows tucked in. Abs should be tight and back should be straight.
Curl the barbell up towards colar bone keeping elbows in and then return to start position.

Friday, September 14

Check out this article titled "10 Workout Secrets:Expert Exercise Tips"

10 Workout Secrets: Expert Exercise Tips

WebMD talks to fitness experts and successful exercisers who reveal the top tips, tricks, and secrets they use to get the most of their workout routines.

Getting and staying fit can be a challenge. For many of us, it's hard enough just to get up off the couch. So what's the secret of people who have managed to make exercise a way of life? To find out, WebMD talked to fitness experts and successful exercisers who revealed the top tips, tricks and secrets they use to get the most from their workout routines.
woman working with trainer

1. Be Consistent

Chase Squires is the first to admit that he's no fitness expert. But he is a guy who used to weigh 205 pounds, more than was healthy for his 5'4" frame. "In my vacation pictures in 2002, I looked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man at the beach," says the 42-year-old Colorado resident. Squires decided enough was enough, cut out fatty food, and started walking on a treadmill. The pounds came off and soon he was running marathons -- not fast, but in the race. He ran his first 50-mile race in October 2003, and completed his first 100-miler a year later. Since then, he's completed several 100-mile, 50-mile, and 50k races.
His secret? "I'm not fast, but I'm consistent," says Squires, who says consistency is his best tip for maintaining a successful fitness regimen.
"It all started with 20 minutes on a treadmill," he says. "The difference between my success and others who have struggled is that I did it every single day. No exercise program in the world works if you don't do it consistently."

2. Follow an Effective Exercise Routine

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) recently surveyed 1,000 ACE-certified personal trainers about the best techniques to get fit. Their top three suggestions:
  • Strength training. Even 20 minutes a day twice a week will help tone the entire body.
  • Interval training. "In its most basic form, interval training might involve walking for two minutes, running for two, and alternating this pattern throughout the duration of a workout," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, FACSM, chief science officer for ACE. "It is an extremely time-efficient and productive way to exercise."
  • Increased cardio/aerobic exercise. Bryant suggests accumulating 60 minutes or more a day of low- to moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, running, or dancing.

3. Set Realistic Goals

"Don't strive for perfection or an improbable goal that can't be met," says Kara Thompson, spokesperson for the International Health Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA). "Focus instead on increasing healthy behaviors."
In other words, don't worry if you can't run a 5K just yet. Make it a habit to walk 15 minutes a day, and add time, distance, and intensity from there.

4. Use the Buddy System

Find a friend or relative whom you like and trust who also wants to establish a healthier lifestyle, suggests Thompson. "Encourage one another. Exercise together. Use this as an opportunity to enjoy one another's company and to strengthen the relationship."

5. Make Your Plan Fit Your Life

Too busy to get to the gym? Tennis star Martina Navratilova, health and fitness ambassador for the AARP, knows a thing or two about being busy and staying fit.
Make your plan fit your life, she advises in an article on the AARP web site. "You don't need fancy exercise gear and gyms to get fit."
If you've got floor space, try simple floor exercises to target areas such as the hips and buttocks, legs and thighs, and chest and arms (like push-ups, squats, and lunges). Aim for 10-12 repetitions of each exercise, adding more reps and intensity as you build strength.

6. Be Happy

Be sure to pick an activity you actually enjoy doing, suggests Los Angeles celebrity trainer Sebastien Lagree.
"If you hate weights, don't go to the gym. You can lose weight and get in shape with any type of training or activity," he says.
And choose something that is convenient. Rock climbing may be a great workout, but if you live in a city, it's not something you'll be doing every day.

7. Watch the Clock

Your body clock, that is. Try to work out at the time you have the most energy, suggests Jason Theodosakis, MD, assistant professor and exercise physiologist at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. If you're a morning person, schedule your fitness activities early in the day; if you perk up as the day goes along, plan your activities in the afternoon or evening.
"Working out while you have the most energy will yield the best results," says Theodosakis.

8. Call In the Pros

Especially if you're first getting started, Theodosakis suggests having a professional assessment to determine what types of exercise you need most.
"For some people, attention to flexibility, or balance and agility, may be more important than resistance training or aerobics," he says. "By getting a professional assessment, you can determine your weakest links and focus on them. This will improve your overall fitness balance."

9. Get Inspired

"Fitness is a state of mind," says fitness professional and life coach Allan Fine of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. One of Fine's tricks to get and stay motivated is to read blogs or web sites that show him how others have been successful. "Who inspires you?" he asks.

10. Be Patient

Finally, remember that even if you follow all these tips, there will be ups and downs, setbacks and victories, advises Navratilova. Just be patient, and don't give up, she says on the AARP web site: "Hang in there, and you'll see solid results."

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Abs Class

Thanks to everyone that came to our 1st Challenge of the Century Abs Class!

Thursday, September 13

Don't forget about Sarabeth's abs class today from 12-12:30! It's a private class just for the "Challenge of the Century" participants!

Here's another meal plan suggestion!

Breakfast: Health Wise chocolate chip pancakes and 1 Health Wise protein shake (sold at NEA Baptist Clinic Wellness Center)
Lunch: 4 oz. skinless white meat turkey breast shredded over small salad with lowfat salad dressing
Snack:1 apple with 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
Dinner: Grilled Tilapia Taco with 15 low sodium tortilla chips

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 12

Make plans to join trainer Sarabeth Brown for her abs class tomorrow from 12-12:30pm in the group aerobics room!

The class is open to all gym members, and as always, non-members can pay our $5 guest fee.

Can't make it?! Sarabeth teaches this class every Wednesday night from 5:30-6!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Date Change

The intro to yoga on Wednesday, September 26th with Jennifer Martinez has been moved to Thursday, September 27th. Same time, 12-1!

Please change this on your calendars and I will also remind you the week of.


Use the Stairs Day!!!

Today is also use the stairs day!

We encourage you to take the stairs whenever possible!

No stairs?

Park farther away at work or at the grocery store! Every little bit counts...

Tuesday, September 11

The seated calf raise:
To begin, select weight and add to machine. Next, sit down and adjust pads to top of thighs.
Place your feet on the black pads where your toes are just barely hanging on!
Tip-toe up as high as you can and release lever to right side.
Next, dip your heels down as low as you can and then return to the starting position up on your tip-toes again!
This machine primarily targets your "soleus" which is the smaller of the two calf muscles.
Your "gastrocnemius" is a two joint muscle that is primarly targeted when you are doing a standing calf raise!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10

Week #3 Workout

Warm-Up, 5-10 Minutes on Krank Cycle
(Alternate using both arms at same time and alternating "bicycle" arms)

Barbell Curls
-Feet Shoulder width apart, elbows tucked to sides. With hands facing up, lift bar above chest to collar bone and return to start position.
Seated Leg Extension
-This quadriceps machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Tricep Press Machine
- This triceps machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Sit Down/Stand Ups
-Have a seat on the edge of a weight bench. Stand all the way up, sit all the way down. Hold weights to the side to make this exercise more challenging. Try to stand straight up and sit straight down-not rocking or using momentum.
his can be your at home exercise for the week!
Seated Calf Raises
-Machine in the back right corner. Choose weights. Tip-toe up, move lever to right, lower heels and repeat.
(Picture to follow!)
Pec Fly Machine
- This chest machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.
Abdominal Crunch Machine
- This abdominal machine is up front with the Matrix circuit.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Alzheimer's Walk

A special thanks to all of those that are particpating in the Alzheimer's Walk and those who made donations and purchased t-shirts! All proceeds go towards the Alzheimer's Walk!

Kristin Addison-Brown (captain)
Marilyn Hendrix (captain)
Sarah Gryner
Kim Day
Tammy Mays
Amy Camptbell
Pam Collins
Paula Earnhart
Ashley Estes
Keely Maynard
Morgan McKedy
Sophia Perry
Madeline Sinor
Evguenia Cole
Regina Escue

Friday, September 7

Don't forget that tomorrow is the Alzheimer's Walk at 8am! Beginning at 2105 E. Aggie Road!

Registration for those who have not pre-registered online starts at 7:00 and the opening ceremony is at 8:00. Closing ceremony is at 10:00.

The walk will begin in front of the Student Union. 

It is not too late to donate or join the team. Just go to the following link and click on "join the team" or "donate." 
Please contact Dr. Kristin Addison-Brown or Marilyn Hendrix (both at Woodsprings) if you have any additional questions.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, September 6

Thursday, September 6

Photo example of one of the exercises from the week!

Rope Pulldown
Select the rope attachment and connect it to the high cable.
Keeping your elbows tucked in and starting at your  belly button,
fully straighten arms and return to start position.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 5

Meal Plan
Breakfast: 1 c. high fiber cereal (Raisin Bran, Shredded Wheat, etc.) with 1/2 c. nonfat milk, 1 c. blueberries

Lunch: 4 oz. water packed tuna, with side salad- 4oz lettuce and 1 cup mixed vegetables with 1 packet of Health Wise Salad Dressing (sold at NEA Baptist Clinic Wellness Center!)

Snack: 1 Health Wise caramel brownie protein bar

Dinner: Grilled Salmon with 1 c. wild rice

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, September 4

We hope that you all had a wonderful Labor Day Holiday!

Today is "Use the Stairs Day" so please try to use the stairs whenever possible!

Also, here is your workout for the week!

Week #2 Workout

Warm-Up, 5-10 Minutes on Upright Bicycle

Bicep Cable Curls
-Straight bar from low cable. Elbows tucked in, hands facing up, bend elbows to lift bar to collar bone and lower back down to start position.

Seated Leg Curl Machine
-Works Hamstrings. This Matrix machine is up front.

Chest Press Machine
-Works Chest and triceps. This Matrix machine is up front.

Standing Body Weight Calf Raises
-Hang heels off edge of bench or stairs. Lower heels to ground as low as you can and then tip-toe up as high as you can. This can be your at home exercise for the week!

Rope Pulldown
-Rope from high cable, elbows tucked in. Start at belly button, fully straighten arms and return to start position.

Green Ball Abdominal Crunch
-Sit in floor or on edge of weight bench. Lean forward and wedge small green ball behind your lower back. Lean back as far as you can on the ball and come half way up to complete the crunch.