Thursday, September 20, 2012

Act of Kindness

I did not write this, but my next door neighbor did. Some of you may also be friends with her on facebook so this may all look familiar to you. If it wasn't posted on fb, I would not share it, but since she posted it I know she does not mind me sharing it with you. I am going to leave her identity anonymous. If you are a biker or a runner or a walker, you will know exactly how she felt and how this certain "act of kindness" helped her out.

"This morning I left my house on my bike. I had no route planned, just a goal in mind. Today was not about a hard workout or PT at all, it was about clearing my mind and finding answers. I felt I hadn't prepared myself properly when I got a short distance into my ride and started having leg cramps. I fought through them as long as I could and finally decided to stop. I pulled into the driveway of a church and got off my bike feeling defeated. I was trying to convince myself to get back on and keep riding, fight through the pain and accomplish my goal. A gentleman approached me and said "looked like you were having some leg cramps" to which I kinda laughed and said "yes sir, I was.". This man I didn't know then handed me a Gatorade. He had driven past me, saw and recognized there may be a need and he acted out of a kind heart. He drove into town, purchased a Gatorade and gave it to me! I of course offered him money for it to which he refused. This 
gentleman did not know me, anything about me or the struggles I was facing in that moment, but he was selfless and caring! He was exactly what I needed in that moment. God sent me this stranger to remind me of kindness. Kindness isn't about being deserved, kindness is "just because". Kindness is about giving. Random acts of kindness should be something we all strive to do more of. I WILL be paying it forward, today, in someway, to someone. I encourage you to do the same. To you sir, in the Brookland area, who was so generous and kind to me, I may never see you again or know your name but thank you. Your actions meant more to me than what you will ever know. Sir, my wish for you is that any struggle you may b facing, God helps lead you to your answer and you are given peace as you were for me today. God knows sometimes he almost literally has to slap me in the face to see him working for me and standing by me, but I got it today!! Kindness will no longer be forgotten by me and demanded when I'm not extending it to others."

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